Eric Forrester and Jackie Payne met at the end of what Eric considered as the worst day of his life.

Eric has just learned that his marriage and life for the last 40+ year were all based on a lie. That his eldest son is not his son at all, but the son of his arch nemesis Massimo Marone.

To top it all and make it a day from hell, Eric witnessed his youngest daughter Bridget, passionately kissing her ex-father/ex-brother Ridge.

So here they were, a dishevelled and distraught Eric, and Jackie in a robe, setting eyes on each other for the 1st time, and they clicked !!!

At first Eric was suspicious of Jackie, after seeing a Marone jacket belonging to Nick, Jackie's son.

But Jackie convinced Eric that she loathe Mass as much as he does, and they spent the night talking with Jackie comforting Eric.

In the morning Eric and Jackie were already 2 good friends sharing a beach house and hatred towards Mass.

Stephanie Forrester, the lying wife Eric has just left, wasn't too thrilled to find Eric sharing the beach house with a beautiful woman. Being the classy lady she is, Jackie refused to be intimidated by Stephanie.

Eric & Jackie's friendship evolved into mutual attraction and then to love. But Mass had to take another loved one from Eric, and started showing interest in Jackie.

Last modified 4 February 2004
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