
Part 1 - Eric Makes Decisions

Eric Forrester's homecoming did not patch the rift betweem him and Stephanie. They went from one crisis to another. First Thorne shot Ridge and didn't remember doing it.

Thorne with a gunThorne shoots RidgeThorne shoots Ridge

Then they found out that the girl whom they believed was there daughter Angela, was actually an imposter, and that Angela have died many years ago in an accident. They had to pay the imposter off because she threatened to reveal to Thorne that he is his brother's shooter.

Paying off Paying off Paying off

And last but not least, Caroline divorced Thorne and married Ridge who dumped Brooke (sounds familiar???).

Caroline & Ridge's wedding

So when a very concerned Beth asked Eric to keep an eye on the broken hearted Brooke. Eric, who by that time was again fed up with Stephanie and her meddling was more then happy to comply.

Before getting into this love saga I want to make an observation: I have the feeling that Eric have begun to develop feelings towards Brooke when she was still involved with Ridge and lived at the mansion. The way Eric used to look at Brooke, hug her, etc. - to me it looked like more then just being friendly.

Eric's feelings would have stayed hidden if not for Donna Logan (who 20 years later will become the 4th Mrs. Eric Forrester), who one day stormed into Thorne's office and informed him about Eric's love affair with Beth and Stephanie's misdoings.. A very shocked and disgusted Thorne then went straight to Eric and sent him to Brooke for more info.


From Brooke, Eric finally learned that he and Beth never had a chance from the moment Stephanie first layed her eyes on him, and what she recently have done in order to break them apart.

Eric & Brooke

Eric was ashamed and devastated when he realised for the first time in his life what the woman he called his wife is capable of. So it was no surprise when he decided then and there that Stephanie is going to pay dearly by depriving her of her most cherished thing - himself.


An enraged Eric returned to the mansion ready to confront Stephanie and banish her from his life.


But he had to postpone the confrontation after finding Stephanie lying unconscious on the floor.

Eric & Stephanie

In the hospital Eric found himself torn between his children's expectations for him supporting their mother, and the total disgust he felt towards her. So he went to Brooke for support and that's where the affair begun.

Eric & Brooke

Brooke hugged Eric to comfort him and in return recieved a very passionate kiss. A kiss that both of them were not able to get off their minds.

Eric & BrookeEric & Brooke

When Eric returned from the hospital to Forrester, he was confronted by a very upset and frightned Thorne. A confrontation that ended with Eric getting mad at Thorne for reminding him of his duties to his family and Thorne begging him not to leave Stephanie.

Eric & ThorneEric & Thorne

Being a compassionate man, Eric decided to stay with Stephanie until she'll be able to go on without him. With a bleak future ahead Eric kept visiting Brooke and pouring his heart to her. Brooke on her part comforted him.

Luckily, Eric was granted his pardon when Stephanie's doctor assured him that she is healthy and strong enough to live on her own.

Eric & a Doctor

But not before he overheard Stephanie boasting to Margo how she managed to get rid of both Beth and Brooke Logan.

EricStephanie & Margo

This boasting was the last nail in Stephanie's coffin as far as Eric was concerned.

So Eric brought Stephanie home from the hospital, had a family breakfast with her and all their children, and then went to Brooke to tell her that he has decided to leave Stephanie and move on with his life.

Eric & Brooke

Although Eric has made his decision he was still hesitant until Kristen inadvertenly has pointed him in the right direction (for Brooke and the wrong one for Stephanie) while explaining to him why she is leaving her husband Clarke for another man.

Eric & KristenEric & Kristen

So Eric started to court Brooke by sending her flowers and asking her out to dinner in the private dining-room at the club. But he was still uncertain of his feelings and where they are leading. A heart to heart talk with Margo helped Eric to decide to give it a chance.

Eric & MargoEric & Margo

While Eric and Brooke were getting dressed for their dinner date, Stephanie was planning a surprise dinner of her own for Eric. And even after he told her that he is going to be late, Stephanie waited for him all dressed up.


In the private dining-room apprehensive Eric and Brooke were revealing their feelings for each other. And when they discovered that they share the same feelings, they decided to explore them starting with a passionate kiss.

Eric & BrookeEric>Eric & Brooke

When Eric came home he found an all dressed up Stephanie waiting for him with a surprise dinner on the table and a wine glass in her hand. Eric refused to eat dinner and informed Stephanie that he wants a divorce.


Part 2 - The Lovers

Last modified 8 Sptember 2009
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